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Non-Tariff Barriers :: Complaints

All resolved complaints

Showing items 1 to 20 of 385
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
Status Actions
NTB-000-007 2.9. Issues related to transit fees
2014-02-19 Benin: Hillacondji Niger Resolved
Complaint: Members of the Borderless Alliance (BA) have raised the need to streamline transit processes and reduce the costs of transit in Benin. Even for ECOWAS approved products which should transit freely across the region, get into many transit issues in Benin.  
Resolution status note: The good news: As a result the continuous engagement with the Benin authorities over the periods, the Benin government, through the Customs have made revised the tax regime relative to transit and domestic trade. Reference to the new directive, Loi No 2014-24 DU 23 DECEMBRE 2014 portant loi de finances pour la gestion 2015, the statisitics tax. The document can be found on the notification page.  
NTB-000-019 5.3. Export taxes
2014-04-15 Benin: Port de Cotonou Benin Resolved
Complaint: The Benin private sector reported that Benin applies a special re-export tax at the ad valorem rate of 8% on certain products. It turns out that this designation "special re-export tax" does not appear to be in conformity with the regulations, especially since the regime code used for the goods in question is EX82.00.054, whilst the code of general procedure EX8 relates to transit. This raises the question as to whether the Special Re-export Tax is actually a Special Transit Tax.  
Resolution status note: Withdrawal of the Special Re-exportation tax (Taxe Special de re-exportation) in Dec 2016.  
NTB-000-020 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2016-01-19 Benin: Hillacondji Benin Resolved
Complaint: Traders transporting agricultural products and livestock were being required by Benin customs to produce a certificate of origin for goods transiting through Benin, which was against the ECOWAS regulations.  
Resolution status note: In a circular issued on 12 Dec 2016 (with reference to ECOWAS PROTOCOL A/P1/1/0 3 of 31 Jan 2003 by the government of Benin through Customs, a reminder was given to all Directors of Customs, Unit Heads, Heads of Security Checkpoints, Heads of Border Security, Divisional Heads, Heads of Institution and Heads of Trade and Transport Unions that the certificate of origin on agricultural products and livestock was not a requirement for transporting agricultural products and livestock.  
NTB-000-021 6.6. Border taxes 2016-04-19 Benin: Ahozon Benin Resolved
Complaint: Traders travelling through Benin have on several occasions complained about the presence of civilians along the roads popularly called “Klébés who are used by uniformed forces posing as customs officers and to extort monies from travelers (traders and drivers) along the corridors.  
Resolution status note: A directive -Arête 2015 no. 4480-C/MEFD/CAB/SGM/DGDDI ) was issued in August 2015 strictly prohibiting the use of Klebe by Customs services.

A follow-up memo was sent on 13 Dec 2016 by the Director General of Benin Customs to Directors in the service to reinforce Arête 2015 no. 4480-C/MEFD/CAB/SGM/DGDDI , with the order to circulate to all officers and the field and ensure compliance or otherwise face sanctions.
NTB-000-022 1.8. Import bans
2016-11-12 Côte d'Ivoire: Noé Ghana Resolved
Complaint: On 12 November 2016, 25 trucks carrying iron rods imported from the Kpone Industrial Area in Tema, Ghana by an ivoireen company called “Fer Ivoire” were refused entry into Abidjan at the Noe border by the Cote d’Ivoire Customs in conformity to the new Customs directives “№ 1820 et 1822 /MPMBPE/DGD du 07 et 11 novembre 2016” .  
Resolution status note: Following Borderless Alliance intervention, the acting Director General of the Cote d’Ivoire Custom on March 2, 2017 caused to issue exceptional order No. 1354 MBPE/DGD/DRC-17 authorizing the immediate release and clearance of the 25 trucks through the Noe border into Abidjan.  
NTB-000-045 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-02-11 Ghana: Tamale South Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver called because he was kept for more than four hours at the entrance to Tamale just because the driver said he didn't have money (5gh). The police officer took his license away without any explanation  
NTB-000-035 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-04-09 Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was stopped after Djama/Porko and required to provide weighing papers from Kumasi and Djama, otherwise to pay an amount of money.  
NTB-000-046 8.8. Issues related to transit 2017-04-11 Ghana: Paga Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver called because he was asked by a customs officer to hand his papers over to the 'goro boys' whilst there was a directive which ordered a stop to the activities ofthese goro boys  
NTB-000-025 8.2. Administrative (Border Operating Hours, delays at border posts, etc.) 2017-04-30 Ghana: Aflao Ghana Resolved
Complaint: Trucks arriving at Aflao after 10pm are not being allowed to park in the yard causing serious congestion along the main roads leading up to the border.  
Resolution status note: The opening of the Ghana/Togo Border on the 5th August 2017 for 24 hours has resolved the problem of congestion and trucks are allowed to park in the Truck Holding Bay after 10 pm. The last customs check point before Aflao which hitherto before the 5th August 2017 directive was being closed after 10 pm was also opened for the movement of trucks conveying merchandise to be parked at the Truck Holding Bay.

L'ouverture de la frontière entre le Ghana et le Togo le 5 août 2017 pour 24 heures, le problème de la congestion a été résolu et les camions sont autorisés à se garer dans la baie de Truck Holding après 22 heures. Le dernier point de contrôle des douanes avant Aflao qui, avant la directive du 5 août 2017, était fermé après 22 heures, a également été ouvert permettant aux camions transportant des marchandises à être garées à la baie de stationnement des camions.
NTB-000-036 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-05-09 Mali: Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was stopped and required to provide weighing papers from Kumasi and Djama, otherwise to pay an amoount of money  
NTB-000-047 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-05-11 Ghana: Komantse Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: This driver was stopped and whilst parking an officer asked him to continue. As the driver left, the police later followed him and arrested him, accusing him of "fail to stop" and took the driver to the police station.  
NTB-000-048 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-05-11 Ghana: Tamale South Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was stopped at the entrance to Tamale and was asked to pay 5gh even though his papers were correct  
NTB-000-049 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-05-11 Ghana: Abor Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was stopped at the Buipe exit and asked to pay 5gh without any reason  
NTB-000-050 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-06-11 Ghana: Paga Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver called because they were about 27 trucks stopped at the border from the previous day. They gave their papers to customs who handed them to the goro boys. The goro boys were asking the drivers to pay 10 000F CFA per truck.  
NTB-000-040 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-07-10 Ghana: Abor Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver called Focal point after an accident and was directed to the Assin Fosu police station to report the inciddence after being given the telephone number of the ECOWAS Brown Card secretariat.  
NTB-000-051 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-07-11 Ghana: Tema Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was asked to pay 100gh because Jema weigh bridge operators stamped on his weighing certificate.  
NTB-000-052 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-08-11 Ghana: Accra Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver transporting cows was stopped just before Babator and asked to pay an amoutof money before being allowed to continue. He claimed they were also asked to pay an amount of 2,500.00 gh at the Paga border.  
NTB-000-053 8.4. Transport related corruption 2017-08-11 Ghana: Tema Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver was asked to pay 5gh even though his papers were correct.  
NTB-000-030 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-08-29 Ghana: Abidjan, RCI Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was detained at the entrance to Accra for not fastening seat belt. As he was speaking french the Police could not understand him.  
Resolution status note: BA est intervenue et a expliqué aux agents de police au poste que ce n'était qu'un problème de barrière de la langue et leur a demandé de permettre au conducteur de continuer son voyage

Le conducteur a été informé des attitudes à adopter lorsqu'il est arrêté par la police et libéré plus tard sans payer d'argent.
NTB-000-032 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2017-08-29 Ghana: Accra Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver was detained at the entrance to Accra for not fastening seat belt. As he was speaking french the Police could not understand him.  
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