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Non-Tariff Barriers :: Complaints

All resolved complaints

Showing items 101 to 120 of 385
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
Status Actions
NTB-000-324 Extortion of money 2021-05-14 Ghana: About 20Km to Nasia (from GH to BF) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver checked his papers and realized that he was using a category C1 type of license. The Police therefore requested that the driver pay GH 100.00.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released after the intervention of Dr. Sasu Mensah  
NTB-000-323 Extortion 2021-05-10 Ghana: Gaa, a village before Wa Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and asked him to pay GH 5.00  
Resolution status note: As soon as the police were told where GSA staff was speaking from, they released the driver  
NTB-000-322 Police tried to take advantage of drivers not having scale papers 2021-05-04 Ghana: Few km from Wa (From GH to BF) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Six (6) trucks were stop by the Police and were found not having scale papers. The drivers said that the Police were asking for money whilst the Police said the drivers were not having their scale papers. Upon a check, GSA staff realized that the drivers wee having only the scale paper from the port.  
Resolution status note: The drivers did not return to the axle station but allowed to continue their journey.  
NTB-000-321 Extortion of money 2021-04-26 Ghana: 40km from Wa (from GH to BF) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police asked the driver to pay GH 50.00 because he did not have all scale papers.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released after about 30min  
NTB-000-320 Extortion 2021-04-12 Ghana: Entrance Tamale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the 2 drivers, collected their papers and asked them to pay 5 cedis each.  
Resolution status note: Few moment after the police called the drivers to come for their papers  
NTB-000-319 Attempt of extortion 2021-04-03 Ghana: Between Fulfuso and Buipe Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and asked him to pay GH 5.00, even though his papers were on point.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes after GSA staff's attempt to speak to the Police, the driver was released.  
NTB-000-316 Attempt of extortion 2021-03-30 Ghana: Exit Lora Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Two truck drivers were asked by the Police to pay GH 5.00 each without any reason.  
Resolution status note: About 5 minutes later, the drivers were released, even though the Police did not take the phone.  
NTB-000-318 Attempt of extortion 2021-03-27 Ghana: Exit Wa Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and requested for money and surprisingly handcuff the mate.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released immediately  
NTB-000-317 Attempt of extortion 2021-03-20 Ghana: Bamboe Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver was stopped by the police and asked to GH 5.00 even though his papers were on point.  
Resolution status note: After the intervention of GSA staff, the driver was released.  
NTB-000-315 8.4. Transport related corruption 2021-03-17 Ghana: Exit Banda Konta (Hamile road) Mali Resolved
Complaint: Six (6) Malian trucks were stopped by the Police and asked to pay GH 2.00 each even though there was no issue with their documents.  
Resolution status note: By GSA's intervention, the six (6) drivers were released.  
NTB-000-314 8.4. Transport related corruption 2021-03-15 Ghana: Few Km after Techiman Mali Resolved
Complaint: The Police asked the driver to give GH 5.00 even though he had all his valid documents.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released immediately  
NTB-000-313 Attempt of extortion 2021-02-15 Ghana: Atimpoku Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Truck driver got to the barrier and presented all documents, as well as fire extinguisher and warning triangle to officers. But The Police detained driver for about an hour because he did not have a first aid box.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released right after this dicusson  
NTB-000-312 8.4. Transport related corruption 2021-02-03 Ghana: 5 km to Barbato Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver got to the Police, stopped ae though nd gave his papers to the officers. But the officers demanded for GH10.00 even though hi papers were on point.  
Resolution status note: Five minutes after discussion with GSA staff, the driver was released  
NTB-000-311 Negligence or bribe at the axle load stations 2021-01-21 Ghana: Agona Konta Mali Resolved
Complaint: The driver drove from the port to Agona Konta with only scale paper from the port. According to the driver, the truck has 6 axles but weighed 90.20 right from the port.

Now he was stopped a police officer who requested for all the scales papers, which the driver was not able to provide.
Resolution status note: The was later released by the police  
NTB-000-310 8.4. Transport related corruption 2021-01-12 Ghana: In bush after Bamboe Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: the Police stopped the driver and asked him to GH 50.00 because the driver did not have any scale paper aside that of the port.  
Resolution status note: When GSA staff requested to speak to the officer, the officer gave the driver his papers to continue his journey  
NTB-000-309 8.4. Transport related corruption 2020-12-23 Ghana: Entrance of Wale wale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and after checking said that the motorway weigh certificate was not stamped. He asked the driver to pay an unspecified amount.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-308 8.4. Transport related corruption 2020-12-16 Ghana: Pong Tamale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Four trucks, moving in convoy crossed the barrier without stopping. The Police later hired a moto bike (Okada) pursued and arrested the second truck driver. they brought him back to the barrier, checked his papers which were on point. Because the officers did not find any fault, they asked the driver to pay for the fuel they used to chase them.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-307 8.4. Transport related corruption 2020-10-21 Ghana: Police barrier after Bamboe Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The police stopped the driver and asked him to pay GH 50.00 without any reason.  
Resolution status note: After the discussion, the driver was released without paying any money.  
NTB-000-306 8.4. Transport related corruption 2020-10-13 Ghana: Navrongo Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Three tankers passed through a barrier and the Police pursued and stopped the third vehicle and asked him to pay an unspecified amount.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-304 8.4. Transport related corruption 2020-10-07 Ghana: Nandoli Mali Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and delayed him for hours so as to force him give money.  
Resolution status note: After the discussion between GSA staff and the officer, the driver was released  
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