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Non-Tariff Barriers :: Complaints

All resolved complaints

Showing items 381 to 385 of 385
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
Status Actions
NTB-000-447 Immigration Officers restricting drivers coming to pick France aurevoir cars. 2024-11-22 Ghana: Immigration Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: JAPTU reported to GSA that Immigration officers at Navrongo refused to allow Burkina drivers coming to pick France aurevoir car.

JAPTU tried to talk to the officers, but they refused to cooperate. JAPTU then called GSA to seek their intervention and to seek from the Immigration Head Office what requirements mut the drivers fulfil in this case.

GSA called the drivers with the intent to speak to the Immigration officers but was told that the drivers were released.
Resolution status note: The drivers were released.  
NTB-000-449 8.8. Issues related to transit 2024-12-05 Ghana: Kulmasa Customs checkpoint Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The truck broke down and the driver reported to Kulmasa Customs. After repair the driver went to retrieve his documents but was asked to GH 1,000.  
Resolution status note: After this explanation, the driver was released without any payment.  
NTB-000-450 Negligence of Customs Officers 2024-12-16 Ghana: Customs barrier Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Rep. of the Burkinabe drivers union reproted to GSA that the driver with phone number 0542827748 had issues with his truck, reported to the nearest Customs barrier. After finishing the repair works, he went and collected his papers and proceeded with the journey. Upon reaching the Paga border, the Customs officers there claimed not to have any reported breakdown iof the truck in their system.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released.  
NTB-000-451 attempt of extortion by Police 2024-12-16 Ghana: Police barrier at 35km from Aflao Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped about ten (10) trucks, checked their papers, but claimed some did not have alcohol in their first aid boxes. The Police threatened to take drivers to court should they refuse to pay money.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released.  
NTB-000-453 Extortion by Cutsoms 2025-01-28 Ghana: Nsutem Customs Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver's truck broke down on 19th /1/2025 and he reported to the Nsutem Customs. The repair works were completed on the 27th/1/2025. However, when the driver went to retrieve his papers from the Customs, he was requested to pay GH 500.00.  
Resolution status note: The drive was released.  
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