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Non-Tariff Barriers :: Complaints

All resolved complaints

Showing items 321 to 340 of 385
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
Status Actions
NTB-000-363 Attempt of extortion 2022-04-27 Ghana: Police patrol btween Dawadawa and Barbato Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: A Police patrol car stopped the driver and asked him to pay GH 200.00 because they saw that the driver had ear puce in his ears.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes later, the driver was released  
NTB-000-364 Misunderstanding between driver and Officer 2022-05-19 Ghana: Pualugu Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police controlling traffic tried to stop driver but the latter refused.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released after GSA staff's intervention  
NTB-000-365 Issues relating to Axle Load (overloading and fine payment) 2022-06-02 Ghana: Axle weight station Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: These trucks were declared overloaded by the Sawla weighbridge operators. However, the scale papers of the same trucks from Burkina Faso showed otherwise.  
Resolution status note: The issue was resolved and the drivers released  
NTB-000-367 Unnecessary delay by Axle Load operator 2022-06-06 Ghana: Sawla Axle Load station Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The weighbridge operator claimed the driver told him that their machine is not functioning well, because of the discrepancies in the reading. Because of this the weighbridge operator kept the driver's papers till the following day (7th June, 2022).  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-366 Extortion of money by the Police 2022-06-07 Ghana: Barbato Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police claimed the driver failed to stop and asked him to give them one (1) gallon of Diesel.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-369 Attempt of extortion 2022-07-13 Ghana: Around Techiman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Accident Preventive Squad took 5 truck drivers to the police station, claiming they were over speeding.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes later, the drivers called to confirm their release.  
NTB-000-371 Extortion of money by Police 2022-07-21 Ghana: Fulfuso police barrier Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver got to the barrier, stopped and send the mate to take the papers to the officers. The officers took the papers and requested for GH 10. W hen the driver was told, he followed up and the officers repeated the same thing.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-373 8.8. Issues related to transit 2022-08-23 Ghana: Nsutem Customs Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The truck broke down and he reported to the Nsutem Customs on the 18/08/2022. On the 22nd /08§2022 the truck was repaired and when he went to the Customs to take his papers, the latter requested that he pays GH 500.00.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes after GSA staff conversation with the Customs, the driver was released  
NTB-000-374 Attempt of extortion 2022-08-26 Ghana: Between Nasia and Tamale (from BF to GH) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Trois trucks coming from Burkina got to the Police barrier gave their papers for checks. The Police claimed all the 3 truck's carte grise are fake, there they kept the drivers at the barrier from morning till around 1pm.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released  
NTB-000-375 Attempt of extortion 2022-09-21 Ghana: Between Paga and Savelugu Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver was unduly delayed by the Police after providing his papers.  
Resolution status note: After GSA intervention, the driver was released.  
NTB-000-377 Driver failed to stop 2022-09-23 Ghana: Police barrier after Wa Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver got to the police barrier, sent his mate to the officers without the papers. The Police then asked the mate to go and bring the papers. The driver, instead drove off leaving the officer no choice than pursuing them. When stopped at another barrier, the driver called GSA to solicit their intervention.  
Resolution status note: Driver was released  
NTB-000-378 Extortion of money 2022-10-15 Ghana: Bonsu Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver's crutch failed and the truck could not move. The police came on the scene, called the Road Safety Management Services for towing. However, the Police refused to release the documents for the driver to report to Customs as required of them.

Moreover, after paying the towing fee, the Police insisted that the driver paid them before they release the papers.

Resolution status note: The driver was released, but after the Police had taken GH 300.00 from him  
NTB-000-382 Issues with weigh bridge/Overloading 2022-11-09 Ghana: Asokoa Weighbridge Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Three trucks carrying clinker got to the station and found overloaded. This was due to the fact that the scale couldn't pick one of their axles, instead of six axles the machine picked only five. GHA asked them to the fine.  
Resolution status note: We are calling on all the driver unions to inform their their members that no overloaded truck will be allow to ply Ghana's corridors  
NTB-000-383 Extortion of money by Police 2022-11-21 Ghana: 2nd Barrier after Pong Tamale (BF - GH) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver got to the barrier, provided hi papers. The Police claimed the driver's Carte Grise was fake, and requested that driver paid some money  
Resolution status note: The Police forced the driver to GH 100.00 before releasing them  
NTB-000-387 Unnecessary delay and attempt of extortion 2022-12-21 Ghana: Police barrier, exit Walewale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Driver got to the barrier, gave his papers. The Police kept the papers without any explanation for more than 30minutes  
Resolution status note: When the Police saw the driver taking the picture of the truck, they called him to come for his papers.

The Police released the driver
NTB-000-388 Extortion of money 2022-12-21 Ghana: Police between Navrongo and Bolga (BF - GH) Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Three tankers got to the barriers and submitted their papers. The Police kept the and demanded for GH 2.00  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released  
NTB-000-389 Unnecessary delay and attempt of extortion 2022-12-21 Ghana: Exit Nandoli Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The police stopped 2 trucks and kept their papers because they had gasoil in gallons for their use. The drivers clarified that the gasoil was for their trucks but the Police insisted that either they drop the gallons or they pay GH 200 each.  
Resolution status note: The Police agreed to release the drivers  
NTB-000-390 Unnecessary delay and attempt of extortion 2022-12-21 Ghana: Police barrier after Tamale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Police seized drivers' papers because one of them stopped close to the barrier.  
Resolution status note: After GSA staff's attempt to talk to the Police, the drivers were released  
NTB-000-391 Unnecessary delay and attempt of extortion 2022-12-23 Ghana: Police barrier between Pong Tamale and Walewale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The back of the tanker touched the barrier which fell without any damage. Police requested that driver pay GH 200.00  
Resolution status note: The driver was released without paying any money.  
NTB-000-392 Unnecessary delay and attempt of extortion 2022-12-28 Ghana: Around Tamale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Police stopped the tankers and claimed all their cartes grises were fake, and demanded for GH 100.00 from each driver  
Resolution status note: GSA staff connected the drivers to their focal point at the Police Head Quarters.

By the intervention of the Police Head Quarters focal point, the drivers were released
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