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Non-Tariff Barriers :: Complaints

All resolved complaints

Showing items 61 to 80 of 385
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
Status Actions
NTB-000-367 Unnecessary delay by Axle Load operator 2022-06-06 Ghana: Sawla Axle Load station Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The weighbridge operator claimed the driver told him that their machine is not functioning well, because of the discrepancies in the reading. Because of this the weighbridge operator kept the driver's papers till the following day (7th June, 2022).  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-366 Extortion of money by the Police 2022-06-07 Ghana: Barbato Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police claimed the driver failed to stop and asked him to give them one (1) gallon of Diesel.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-365 Issues relating to Axle Load (overloading and fine payment) 2022-06-02 Ghana: Axle weight station Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: These trucks were declared overloaded by the Sawla weighbridge operators. However, the scale papers of the same trucks from Burkina Faso showed otherwise.  
Resolution status note: The issue was resolved and the drivers released  
NTB-000-364 Misunderstanding between driver and Officer 2022-05-19 Ghana: Pualugu Police Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police controlling traffic tried to stop driver but the latter refused.  
Resolution status note: The driver was released after GSA staff's intervention  
NTB-000-363 Attempt of extortion 2022-04-27 Ghana: Police patrol btween Dawadawa and Barbato Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: A Police patrol car stopped the driver and asked him to pay GH 200.00 because they saw that the driver had ear puce in his ears.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes later, the driver was released  
NTB-000-362 Driver failed to stop and struggled with Customs Officers 2022-04-25 Ghana: Nsutem Customs barrier Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver failed to stop at the Customs barrier and was pursued. The Officers stopped him around Linda Dor. However, the driver refused to provide the Officer with his documents. This led to a physical confrontation between them. The Customs Officers took the driver to the nearest police station where he had been detained.  
Resolution status note: After few minutes, the Customs Officer went to the police station and the driver was released.  
NTB-000-361 Attempt of extortion 2022-04-01 Ghana: Police checkpoint before Sogakope Togo Resolved
Complaint: The driver got to the barrier, presented his documents and equipments to the Police. The Police Officer removed the safety pin on the fire extinguisher and tried it, which was not necessary. He later told the driver that they will give him a ticket for him to report at a court.  
Resolution status note: Few after GSA staff intervention the driver called to confirm his release.  
NTB-000-359 Attempt of extortion 2022-03-12 Ghana: Amasama Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver's truck got broken down around 12 midnight, and he waited till the next morning to get a fitter to fix it. The driver called the fitter early morning and while they were fixing the vehicle a police officer came around and asked them to quickly fix the truck so as not to cause congestion.
The vehicle was fixed and as the driver was about to leave, another police officer came on the scene and told the driver not to move the truck because he had already called a towing car to come and tow the truck. He then gave a ticket to driver to report to court. The driver called GSA staff who, speaking to the Officer was told that the driver had to pay something since the towing car has already moved.
Resolution status note: By the intervention of both GSA staff and the focal person at the Police Head Quarters, the driver was released  
NTB-000-358 8.8. Issues related to transit 2022-03-03 Ghana: A police barrier between Fulfuso and Buipe Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver got to the barrier and was asked to GH 5.00 without any reason  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-357 Attempt of extortion 2022-01-22 Ghana: Police checkpoint, entrance of Techiman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The truck driver got to the police checkpoint, presented all his documents. But the police officer insisted to check his warning triangle and fire extinguisher. The driver did present the items requested and explained that his fire extinguisher was used to help a friend whose truck was about to catch fire.  
Resolution status note: The driver was immediately released.  
NTB-000-356 Attempt of extortion 2021-12-23 Ghana: Kadelso police barrier Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Two drivers of "France au revoir" got to the Kadelso police barrier and were asked to park. But because there was a bus which broke down right at the barrier, the drivers did not know where to park. The Police took their papers and were not telling them anything.  
Resolution status note: Few minutes after GSA staff's intervention, the drivers were released  
NTB-000-355 Attempt of extortion 2021-12-20 Ghana: Exit Sonjani Côte d'Ivoire Resolved
Complaint: Police attempted to extort money from the driver on the motive that he was not wearing shoe. The Police threatened to take the driver to court.  
Resolution status note: After GSA's intervention, the driver was released  
NTB-000-354 Attempt of extortion 2021-12-10 Ghana: Police at Kadelso Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Nine trucks moving in convoy got to the police but were not stopped. They therefore continued their journey. Surprising to the drivers, one officer pursued them to the nearest barrier, sopped them, took their papers and returned to the previous barrier. On their arrival at the barrier, the Police told them to pay an unspecified amount if not they would process them to court.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released  
NTB-000-353 Extortion of money 2021-12-10 Ghana: Exit Techinman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Ten drivers got to the a police barrier and were asked to pay GH 5.00 each without any reason.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released.  
NTB-000-352 Extortion of money by the Police 2021-12-09 Ghana: Entrance of Techiman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Two trucks got to the barrier and the Police asked that they pay GH 5.00 each before they can continue their journey.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released  
NTB-000-351 Extortion of money 2021-12-08 Ghana: Entrance Techiman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Three (3) trucks got to the Police barrier and were asked to GH 5.00 without any explanation  
Resolution status note: The Police released the drivers  
NTB-000-350 Exortion 2021-12-06 Ghana: Kumasi Customs Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver whose truck broke down reported to the Customs office. Because the following day (Friday) was a holiday he was asked to come for his papers on Monday. On the driver's arrival at the Customs office, he was being asked to GH 500.00 before the change would be effected in the system and his papers released to him. Before going to the officer, the driver had already paid GH 100.00 to a Customs officer at a checkpoint, who in his turn directed the driver to their office.  
Resolution status note: Customs forcefully took GH 500.00 from the driver before his release  
NTB-000-349 Extortion of money 2021-11-07 Ghana: Exit Techiman Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The Police stopped three (3) trucks and asked the drivers to pay an unspecified amount of money.  
Resolution status note: Drivers were released  
NTB-000-348 Extortion of money 2021-11-06 Ghana: A checkpoint between Tamale and Walewale Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: The driver was stopped by the Policeand asked to pay GH 5.00 without any explanation  
Resolution status note: The driver was released  
NTB-000-347 Extortion of money 2021-11-06 Ghana: Exiot Buipe Burkina Faso Resolved
Complaint: Three trucks going to Burkina were stopped by the Police and asked to pay GH 5.00 each.  
Resolution status note: The drivers were released  
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