Active operational related complaints

Showing items 21 to 40 of 47
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
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Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region
NTB-000-376 8.8. Issues related to transit 2022-09-23 Ghana: Entrance of Techiman Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The Police stopped the driver and claimed the Insurance was not correct it does not appear in their system.  
Progress: GSA staff asked the agent to go to SIC for verification. SIC first by saying the transit vehicles do not reflect in the Police system. But pushing a bit further, SIC was able to rectify the code which appeared in the Police system.  
NTB-000-370 Axle Load related issue 2022-07-19 Ghana: Adansi Asokwa Weighbridge Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The got to the station weighed and was found overloaded. The operator claimed one of the axles was not supporting weight. This led to the overload shown by the machine.  
Progress: GSA staff speaking to the operator requested for a reweigh, but the latter objected. GSA staff continued and called the National Axle load Manager with the same request, but he also refused.

GSA staff escalated the issue to his HOD to seek his intervention.
NTB-000-368 Harassment from Police Officers 2022-07-04 Ghana: Entrance of Buipe (GH - BF) police barrier Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The drivers got to the barrier, stopped and gave their licenses to the Police. The Police claimed the drivers undertook a dangerous overtaking before the barrier. For this reason they handcuffed the 2 drivers from 9am till the time they called around 12 noon.  
Progress: When called, GSA staff tried to speak to the Officer who said they were going to take the drivers to their station.
GSA staff asked the Officer to know to which station they were taking the drivers and the Officer replied by saying, Kintampo Police station.

Upon this GSA staff gave Dr. Sasu Mensah, focal person at the Police Head Quarter phone number to the drivers for assistance.
NTB-000-360 Extortion of money 2022-03-25 Ghana: Ahinkro Customs Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The truck developed a fault and the driver reported to Customs at Aheinkro on the 21st February, 2022. On the 22nd of the same month the driver went back for the papers so as to continue his journey. But he realized that the ruck could not move. He therefore returned the papers to the same Customs at Ahainkro. The Officers at the Aheinkro did not report the latter development to their office for the necessary changes to be done. When the driver called on the Customs because they wanted the removed and the goods loaded on another truck, the Customs officials were asking the driver to pay an overstay fine of Fifteen Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH 15,000.00)  
Progress: When the driver called GSA staff, the latter got in touch with their focal person at the Customs Head Office to solicit his assistance.
After few minutes, the driver called GSA staff to confirm that the papers were released to them and that they were waiting for officials of Ghana Link for the removal of the device.
NTB-000-342 Issues with weigh bridge 2021-09-02 Ghana: Issues with the weigh bridge Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The Truck coming from Burkina weighed 60.780t. On their arrival at Sawla, the truck weighed 66.260. The truck was a six (6) axles vehicle.  
Progress: When called, GSA tried to negotiate with the weigh bridge operators so that the truck could move to Akom station for verification. To this the operators objected.

GSA later told the driver to pay the fine and continue his journey. GSA assured the driver that in the event of a lower weight, the driver would have to reclaim the amount he paid at the first station.
NTB-000-336 Extortion of money 2021-06-22 Ghana: Few km after Bamboe Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The Police asked the driver to pay GH 5.00. The pleaded with GH 3.00 but the Police refused.  
Progress: The driver reported the complaint to GSA. The Police accepted asking for money but stated that they were not imposing it on the driver.

GSA staff explained to the officer how those little actions could affect the effectiveness of Ghana's corridors.
The Officer understood and released the driver at once.
NTB-000-276 Extortion 2020-01-20 Ghana: Kumasi Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The truck driver was wrongfully crossed by a taxi driver at Kumasi. When the Police came to the scene, the took the truck driver to the Police station and put him behind the bar. Later on the Police collected GH 600.00 from the driver to bring him out. The driver called GSA on Thursday, 23rd January 2020 and said they asked him to pay Gh 500.00 for the to be tested before his release. The testing officer arrived on Friday, 24th, tested the truck and collected the above amount.
After that, the Police seized, not only the driver's International licence, carte grise internationale but also his car key, leaving him no option than to look for place to sleep. The Police later told him that the his papers and key would be given back to him on Monday, 27th, January 2020.

On Monday morning, the driver went to the Police station to retrieve his items, but the officer on duty told him to wait to the commander
Progress: GSA staff asked the driver to call him as soon as the testing officer comes, but he failed to do so. On Monday, 27 January 2020, GSA staff asked the driver to send him the officer's number which he did.

GSA called the officer on duty to understand why the driver wasn't released after testing the truck. The officer said it was an order from his Commander. GSA staff then asked him to let him know when the Commander is in.
NTB-000-273 8.4. Transport related corruption 2019-12-13 Ghana: Exit Bolga Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The truck's back touched the Police barrier, which fell down. And the Police asked the driver to pay GH 200.00 for them to go and repair the barrier.  
Progress: When asked by GSA staff, the first said they wanted the driver to repair the barrier and leave. When GSA staff asked the police to allow the driver to take the barrier to a welder then the Police said that they cannot give a police property to a driver to go and repair; but they will call their vehicle to accompany the driver to the welding shop.

Few minute later, the driver called back to say the officers were asking him to give them GH 200.00 and leave so that they would go and repair the barrier.
NTB-000-264 8.4. Transport related corruption 2019-12-02 Ghana: Fufulso police Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: Two drivers were kept at a particular checkpoint from 10 am to 3 pm. The Police claimed they did not have the stamp from Akom axle weight station. Therefore they had to pay GH 5.00 each.  
Progress: The driver called GSA staff, who was told by the Police that the drivers were kept because of the stamp.  
NTB-000-242 8.2. Administrative (Border Operating Hours, delays at border posts, etc.) 2019-10-03 Ghana: Paga Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: Three (3) trucks, of which 2 Ghanaian ( Daniel Osei: GR 3778-16 and Keneth Opong: GR 3769-16) and one Burkinabe (unknown) got to the border three weeks ago and have been told by the agent that the owner of the goods was supposed to pay a certain fee before they could continue their journey.  
Progress: When called, GSA staff took the agent's phone number and called him but there was no response.

After about an Hour, the agent called GSA staff back and explained that the trucks were stacked at the border because the owner of the goods does not have a permit from the Burkinabe "Food and Drug Authority". This permit is being requested by the Burkinabe Customs.
NTB-000-223 Extortion of money by Customs Officers ( 2019-07-01 Ghana: Customs Office (Head Office) Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The driver's truck got broken down and he reported to the Customs. After repairing the truck, the driver went back to the Customs to retrieve his papers but the Officers asked that he paid GH 300.00 before they could release the documents.

Let's note that the driver had been at the Customs from 8 am and as at 2:30pm he was not released.
Progress: When the driver called, GSA staff asked to speak to the officers there but they all refused to cooperate.

GSA staff called Mr. Teteh (Assistant Commissioner) in charge of transit who directed him to ask of Mr Agbozo and later Mr. Yankie. The officers just claimed none of these persons was around.
NTB-000-221 Harassment and corruption on the corridor 2019-07-01 Ghana: Exit Walewale (coming back from BF) Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The driver got to the checkpoint and sent his mate with his papers and GH 2.00 to be given to Police.
But the Police refused and said the would process the driver to court because he didn't cover the iron scrub he was transporting and second claimed the driver's license was not an original one. He's been kept for more than 3 hours.
Progress: When called, GSA staff interacted with the Police and advised that the police release the driver.  
NTB-000-211 misconduct of drivers 2019-05-30 Ghana: Asankare police barrier Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: GSA staff received a call from the above Police barrier on the issue of a truck driver who accidentally hurt an officer while the police was trying to put him to order. When the driver got to the checkpoint, there were many trucks before him but he tried to overtake them. It was here that one officer (the victim) got closer to the truck and tried to open the door from the mate's side. at that same time the driver moved the truck which caused the hurt and the tearing of the officer's uniform.  
Progress: Upon hearing this, GSA staff confirmed from the driver if these things were true. The latter confirmed the incident. The officer said they would take the victim to the hospital.  
NTB-000-174 Inconsistency of weigh bridge 2018-10-02 Ghana: Yape Axle load Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The truck driver got to Yape weigh bridge and was told the his vehicle weighed 61.62 t whiles from the burkina weighing paper it weighed 53t. So the operators were asking the diver to GH 200.00.  
Progress: When called, GSA staff asked to speak to one of the operators. The latter told GSA staff that there is a difference between the weigh bridges in Burkina and those in Ghana. He further explained that if for instance a truck weighs 59t in Burkina, it may weigh 62 or 63t in Ghana.

GSA staff called Mr. Ishmael BAYA from the GHA who said the driver should pay the GH 200.00 and go to AKOM to weigh so that the two weighing certificates. If there is a difference between then they will refound the driver.

GSA staff instructed the driver to do just as Mr. Baya said, and he did.

On Wednesday, 3rd October 2018, around 7am, the driver called to confirm that at Akom (Kumasi) he weighed 48.16
NTB-000-158 8.4. Transport related corruption 2018-07-13 Ghana: Entrance Nandoli Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The Police asked the driver to GH 5.00  
Progress: When called, GSA staff asked to speak to the police but they all refused to cooperate.  
NTB-000-134 8.4. Transport related corruption 2018-05-17 Ghana: Adome bridge Togo In process View
Complaint: The driver returning from Togo was stopped at Adome Bridge by the police and asked to pay GH 30.00.  
Progress: When speaking to the police, GSA staff was told that the diver's license was (fake) not authentic.

So, GSA staff asked the driver if his license is the correct one. He says yes. GSA staff explained to the police what the driver said. The police officer objected to this and said they will process the driver for court.
NTB-000-120 8.2. Administrative (Border Operating Hours, delays at border posts, etc.) 2018-05-02 Ghana: Jema Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The driver transporting a sealed container was fined GH 1000.00 for overload (3.64 kg) at Akom on the 29th of April 2018. At his arrival at Jema they realized 2.5kg overload and he was being asked to pay another fine.  
Progress: Upon hearing this, GSA staff called Rev. Kusi, the Ashanti Regional Coordinator who said that Jema is in the Brong Ahaffo region. He therefore advised that GSA staff calls Mr. Awune from the Ghana Highways Authority.

GSA staff tried cxalling Mr.Awune but his number was going through. He then called Mercy Payne to provide him with their focal person at the GHA. This number was sent to GSA staff later in the evening.

The following morning, that is on 3rd May 2018, called Mr. Brown, the new focal person at GHA and Mr. Awune but there was no response.

GSA staff later spoke to one of the weighbridge operators and asked him to allow the driver to continue since he has already been fined at Akom.
NTB-000-108 8.4. Transport related corruption 2018-04-11 Ghana: Paga Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The driver called because a certain ma n who claimed he is a delivery agent (Kweku Harry) collected their papers and asked them to pay 5000 cfa before he takes the papers to the Customs. There were about thirty (30) trucks.  
Progress: Upon hearing this, GSA staff asked the so called delivery agent to hand the papers back to the drivers and the latter did so.  
NTB-000-099 8.4. Transport related corruption 2018-03-12 Ghana: Akom Axle load Burkina Faso In process View
Complaint: The driver called because on the February, 17 2018, he exited the harbour after weighing his truck without a sign of overoad. He got ot the motorway and weighed with problem. At his arrival at the exit of Kumasi (Akom), he was told he carried overload and was asked to pay a fine of GH 200.00. The officers told him that in case the subsequent weighing bridges do not record an overload, they will pay him back on his return from Burkina Faso.  
Progress: Upon hearing this GSA staff spoke to the cashier who told him that the driver has to go to their head office for his receipt to be endorsed by his boss before he can pay the driver back.

After tis discussion, GSA staff called Mr. Awune,() and explained the situation him. The latter told him that he would contact and give the regional commander at Kumasi GSA staff's number for a prompt resolution of the complaint.

To avoid any challenge with the goods the driver was conveying, GSA staff asked the latter to continue his journey and assured to alert him on any development on the matter.
NTB-000-098 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2018-03-07 Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso New View
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