
Complaint number
NTB Type
Other type: Customs extortion of money from truck drivers  
The drivers' truck got broken down on 12 February 2020 and they reported Customs on the 13th. By Sunday, 15th, the finished repairing their trucks and went to the Customs checkpoint to retrieve their papers but the officers there said until they pay some money (unspecified), they won't be given their papers.  
Status note
The drivers set got back to their journey on the 18th /02/20  
Progress update note
When called, GSA staff speaking to one of the officers said their boss wasn't around. Then he asked the said officer to alert him anytime their boss comes in.

The Customs Officer called back and gave the phone to his boss, who, in his turn told GSA staff that because they moved their car to the place where the truck was broken, the driver had to pay them.
GSA staff explained to the in-charge that during all the meetings his organization has had with he Customs' representatives always emphasized that the drivers pay nothing when they report a case of breakdown.

After this discussion, the in-charge released the papers to the drivers to continue their journey.

To confirm that the note attached to the drivers' papers were genuine, GSA staff sent a picture of it to Mr. Emmanuel Teteh, the focal person in charge of transit at the Customs Head Office. The latter confirmed to him on the 15th that the drivers could continue their journey and present the noote to the processing officer at the border.  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Ghana: Customs checkpoint at the exit of Kumasi (Other)  
Reporting Country
Burkina Faso  
Reporting Town
Date of incident
Date of resolution
Product Description
Product Originating Country
Total value
Date reported
2020-02-18 16:21  
2020-02-18 16:30