Query | Error | Affected | Num. rows | Took (ms) | Actions |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `aros` | | 7 | 7 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `acos` | | 7 | 7 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `aros_acos` | | 9 | 9 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `complaints` | | 35 | 35 | 1 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `users` | | 23 | 23 | 1 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `countries` | | 9 | 9 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `focal_points` | | 8 | 8 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `regions` | | 2 | 2 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `complaints_regions` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `regions_users` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `focal_points_regions` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `focal_points_users` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `complaints_focal_points` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `towns` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sectors` | | 2 | 2 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sectors_locales` | | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `roles` | | 3 | 3 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `comments` | | 7 | 7 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `attachments` | | 8 | 8 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `location_types` | | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `locations` | | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `location_types_locales` | | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ntb_types` | | 10 | 10 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ntb_types_locales` | | 5 | 5 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `statuses` | | 7 | 7 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `statuses_locales` | | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `ntm_codes` | | 5 | 5 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `complaints_locales` | | 4 | 4 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sms` | | 13 | 13 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tariff_codes` | | 6 | 6 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `complaints_tariff_codes` | | 3 | 3 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tariff_codes_locales` | | 4 | 4 | 1 | maybe slow |
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `emails` | | 4 | 4 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `Complaint`.`id`, `Complaint`.`unique_number`, `Complaint`.`user_id`, `Complaint`.`user_details`, `Complaint`.`user_email`, `Complaint`.`complaint`, `Complaint`.`original_complaint`, `Complaint`.`country_id`, `Complaint`.`town_id`, `Complaint`.`imposing_region_id`, `Complaint`.`reporting_country_id`, `Complaint`.`reporting_region_id`, `Complaint`.`location_type_id`, `Complaint`.`location_id`, `Complaint`.`location_other`, `Complaint`.`date_of_incident`, `Complaint`.`ntb_type_id`, `Complaint`.`ntb_type_other`, `Complaint`.`ntm_code_id`, `Complaint`.`status_id`, `Complaint`.`product_description`, `Complaint`.`country_origin_id`, `Complaint`.`currency_id`, `Complaint`.`value`, `Complaint`.`original_locale`, `Complaint`.`is_spam`, `Complaint`.`resolved_date`, `Complaint`.`created`, `Complaint`.`created_by`, `Complaint`.`modified`, `Complaint`.`modified_by`, `Complaint`.`progress_update`, `Complaint`.`offline`, `Complaint`.`offline_comment`, `Complaint`.`policy`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`email_authenticated`, `User`.`email_token`, `User`.`email_token_expires`, `User`.`passwd`, `User`.`password_token`, `User`.`first_name`, `User`.`last_name`, `User`.`gender`, `User`.`country_id`, `User`.`telephone_number`, `User`.`cellphone_number`, `User`.`fax_number`, `User`.`sector_id`, `User`.`sector_other`, `User`.`locale`, `User`.`active`, `User`.`role_id`, `User`.`login_count`, `User`.`last_login`, `User`.`created`, `User`.`modified`, (concat(`User`.`first_name`, " ", `User`.`last_name`)) AS `User__name`, `Country`.`id`, `Country`.`name`, `Country`.`short_name`, `Country`.`fre_name`, `Country`.`fre_short_name`, `Country`.`por_name`, `Country`.`por_short_name`, `Country`.`currency`, `Country`.`member`, `Town`.`id`, `Town`.`country_id`, `Town`.`name`, `ImposingRegion`.`id`, `ImposingRegion`.`name`, `ReportingCountry`.`id`, `ReportingCountry`.`name`, `ReportingCountry`.`short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`fre_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`fre_short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`por_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`por_short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`currency`, `ReportingCountry`.`member`, `ReportingRegion`.`id`, `ReportingRegion`.`name`, `Currency`.`id`, `Currency`.`name`, `Currency`.`short_name`, `Currency`.`fre_name`, `Currency`.`fre_short_name`, `Currency`.`por_name`, `Currency`.`por_short_name`, `Currency`.`currency`, `Currency`.`member`, `Location`.`id`, `Location`.`name`, `Location`.`location_type_id`, `Location`.`country_id`, `NtbType`.`id`, `NtbType`.`name`, `NtbType`.`short_name`, `NtbType`.`description`, `NtbType`.`parent_id`, `NtbType`.`heading_number`, `NtbType`.`allow`, `NtbType`.`link_id`, `NtbType`.`ntm_code_id`, `NtbType`.`position`, (CONCAT(`NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, '.0. ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__headingName`, (CONCAT(IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, 'Category ', ''), `NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, ': ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__fullName`, `NtmCode`.`id`, `NtmCode`.`level`, `NtmCode`.`code`, `NtmCode`.`description`, `NtmCode`.`parent_id`, `OriginatingCountry`.`id`, `OriginatingCountry`.`name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`short_name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`fre_name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`fre_short_name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`por_name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`por_short_name`, `OriginatingCountry`.`currency`, `OriginatingCountry`.`member`, `LocationType`.`id`, `LocationType`.`name`, `LocationType`.`order`, `LocationType`.`select_box`, `Status`.`id`, `Status`.`name`, `Status`.`order`, `Status`.`default`, `Status`.`rejected`, `Status`.`resolved`, `Status`.`nonactionable`, `ResolutionComment`.`id`, `ResolutionComment`.`complaint_id`, `ResolutionComment`.`user_id`, `ResolutionComment`.`comment`, `ResolutionComment`.`resolution`, `ResolutionComment`.`created`, `ResolutionComment`.`modified` FROM `complaints` AS `Complaint` LEFT JOIN `users` AS `User` ON (`Complaint`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `countries` AS `Country` ON (`Complaint`.`country_id` = `Country`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `towns` AS `Town` ON (`Complaint`.`town_id` = `Town`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `regions` AS `ImposingRegion` ON (`Complaint`.`imposing_region_id` = `ImposingRegion`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `countries` AS `ReportingCountry` ON (`Complaint`.`reporting_country_id` = `ReportingCountry`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `regions` AS `ReportingRegion` ON (`Complaint`.`reporting_region_id` = `ReportingRegion`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `countries` AS `Currency` ON (`Complaint`.`currency_id` = `Currency`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `locations` AS `Location` ON (`Complaint`.`location_id` = `Location`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `ntb_types` AS `NtbType` ON (`Complaint`.`ntb_type_id` = `NtbType`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `ntm_codes` AS `NtmCode` ON (`Complaint`.`ntm_code_id` = `NtmCode`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `countries` AS `OriginatingCountry` ON (`Complaint`.`country_origin_id` = `OriginatingCountry`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `location_types` AS `LocationType` ON (`Complaint`.`location_type_id` = `LocationType`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `statuses` AS `Status` ON (`Complaint`.`status_id` = `Status`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `comments` AS `ResolutionComment` ON (`ResolutionComment`.`complaint_id` = `Complaint`.`id` AND `ResolutionComment`.`resolution` = 1) WHERE `Complaint`.`id` = '5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882' ORDER BY `Complaint`.`modified` DESC LIMIT 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
SELECT `Country`.`id`, `Country`.`name`, `Country`.`short_name`, `Country`.`fre_name`, `Country`.`fre_short_name`, `Country`.`por_name`, `Country`.`por_short_name`, `Country`.`currency`, `Country`.`member` FROM `countries` AS `Country` WHERE `Country`.`id` = 'GH' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `ReportingCountry`.`id`, `ReportingCountry`.`name`, `ReportingCountry`.`short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`fre_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`fre_short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`por_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`por_short_name`, `ReportingCountry`.`currency`, `ReportingCountry`.`member` FROM `countries` AS `ReportingCountry` WHERE `ReportingCountry`.`id` = 'BF' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `NtbType`.`id`, `NtbType`.`name`, `NtbType`.`short_name`, `NtbType`.`description`, `NtbType`.`parent_id`, `NtbType`.`heading_number`, `NtbType`.`allow`, `NtbType`.`link_id`, `NtbType`.`ntm_code_id`, `NtbType`.`position`, (CONCAT(`NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, '.0. ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__headingName`, (CONCAT(IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, 'Category ', ''), `NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, ': ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__fullName` FROM `ntb_types` AS `NtbType` WHERE `NtbType`.`id` = '13c9ccfe-9813-11e1-be2a-00e08128b071' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `LocationType`.`id`, `LocationType`.`name`, `LocationType`.`order`, `LocationType`.`select_box` FROM `location_types` AS `LocationType` WHERE `LocationType`.`id` = '4ca35901-cc64-46fe-bc12-1e79c0a80305' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Status`.`id`, `Status`.`name`, `Status`.`order`, `Status`.`default`, `Status`.`rejected`, `Status`.`resolved`, `Status`.`nonactionable` FROM `statuses` AS `Status` WHERE `Status`.`id` = '4cc5a0e4-33ec-4f36-a85c-4278c0a80305' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `ResolutionComment`.`id`, `ResolutionComment`.`complaint_id`, `ResolutionComment`.`user_id`, `ResolutionComment`.`comment`, `ResolutionComment`.`resolution`, `ResolutionComment`.`created`, `ResolutionComment`.`modified` FROM `comments` AS `ResolutionComment` WHERE `ResolutionComment`.`complaint_id` = '5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882' AND `ResolutionComment`.`resolution` = 1 | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `ComplaintsLocale`.`trans_id`, `ComplaintsLocale`.`id`, `ComplaintsLocale`.`complaint`, `ComplaintsLocale`.`locale` FROM `complaints_locales` AS `ComplaintsLocale` WHERE `ComplaintsLocale`.`id` = ('5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882') | | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Comment`.`id`, `Comment`.`complaint_id`, `Comment`.`user_id`, `Comment`.`comment`, `Comment`.`resolution`, `Comment`.`created`, `Comment`.`modified` FROM `comments` AS `Comment` WHERE `Comment`.`resolution` = 0 AND `Comment`.`complaint_id` = ('5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882') | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`email_authenticated`, `User`.`email_token`, `User`.`email_token_expires`, `User`.`passwd`, `User`.`password_token`, `User`.`first_name`, `User`.`last_name`, `User`.`gender`, `User`.`country_id`, `User`.`telephone_number`, `User`.`cellphone_number`, `User`.`fax_number`, `User`.`sector_id`, `User`.`sector_other`, `User`.`locale`, `User`.`active`, `User`.`role_id`, `User`.`login_count`, `User`.`last_login`, `User`.`created`, `User`.`modified`, (concat(`User`.`first_name`, " ", `User`.`last_name`)) AS `User__name` FROM `users` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`id` = '594ceb8a-6070-44d2-adf7-4522c5bdc882' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Attachment`.`id`, `Attachment`.`class`, `Attachment`.`foreign_key`, `Attachment`.`description`, `Attachment`.`original_file`, `Attachment`.`saved_file`, `Attachment`.`created`, `Attachment`.`modified` FROM `attachments` AS `Attachment` WHERE `Attachment`.`foreign_key` = '5a96d560-ea84-4598-9942-b2e4c5bdc882' AND `Attachment`.`class` = 'Comment' | | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Sms`.`id`, `Sms`.`number`, `Sms`.`user_id`, `Sms`.`complaint_id`, `Sms`.`message`, `Sms`.`incoming`, `Sms`.`read`, `Sms`.`response`, `Sms`.`language`, `Sms`.`parent_id`, `Sms`.`thread_closed`, `Sms`.`created`, `Sms`.`modified` FROM `sms` AS `Sms` WHERE `Sms`.`parent_id` IS NULL AND `Sms`.`complaint_id` = ('5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882') | | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Attachment`.`id`, `Attachment`.`class`, `Attachment`.`foreign_key`, `Attachment`.`description`, `Attachment`.`original_file`, `Attachment`.`saved_file`, `Attachment`.`created`, `Attachment`.`modified` FROM `attachments` AS `Attachment` WHERE `Attachment`.`class` = 'Complaint' AND `Attachment`.`foreign_key` = ('5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882') | | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `TariffCode`.`id`, `TariffCode`.`heading`, `TariffCode`.`description`, `TariffCode`.`parent_id`, `TariffCode`.`lft`, `TariffCode`.`rght`, (concat(`TariffCode`.`heading`, ": ", `TariffCode`.`description`)) AS `TariffCode__name`, `ComplaintsTariffCode`.`id`, `ComplaintsTariffCode`.`complaint_id`, `ComplaintsTariffCode`.`tariff_code_id` FROM `tariff_codes` AS `TariffCode` JOIN `complaints_tariff_codes` AS `ComplaintsTariffCode` ON (`ComplaintsTariffCode`.`complaint_id` = '5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882' AND `ComplaintsTariffCode`.`tariff_code_id` = `TariffCode`.`id`) | | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Region`.`id`, `Region`.`name`, `ComplaintsRegion`.`id`, `ComplaintsRegion`.`complaint_id`, `ComplaintsRegion`.`region_id` FROM `regions` AS `Region` JOIN `complaints_regions` AS `ComplaintsRegion` ON (`ComplaintsRegion`.`complaint_id` = '5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882' AND `ComplaintsRegion`.`region_id` = `Region`.`id`) | | 2 | 2 | 0 | |
SELECT `FocalPoint`.`id`, `FocalPoint`.`country_id`, `FocalPoint`.`national_address`, `FocalPoint`.`national_contact_number`, `FocalPoint`.`national_email_address`, `FocalPoint`.`private_address`, `FocalPoint`.`private_contact_number`, `FocalPoint`.`private_email_address`, `ComplaintsFocalPoint`.`id`, `ComplaintsFocalPoint`.`complaint_id`, `ComplaintsFocalPoint`.`focal_point_id` FROM `focal_points` AS `FocalPoint` JOIN `complaints_focal_points` AS `ComplaintsFocalPoint` ON (`ComplaintsFocalPoint`.`complaint_id` = '5a96c05e-ed30-46fb-a488-a882c5bdc882' AND `ComplaintsFocalPoint`.`focal_point_id` = `FocalPoint`.`id`) | | 2 | 2 | 0 | |
SELECT `Country`.`id`, `Country`.`name`, `Country`.`short_name`, `Country`.`fre_name`, `Country`.`fre_short_name`, `Country`.`por_name`, `Country`.`por_short_name`, `Country`.`currency`, `Country`.`member` FROM `countries` AS `Country` WHERE `Country`.`id` = 'BF' | | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `NtbType`.`id`, `NtbType`.`name`, `NtbType`.`short_name`, `NtbType`.`description`, `NtbType`.`parent_id`, `NtbType`.`heading_number`, `NtbType`.`allow`, `NtbType`.`link_id`, `NtbType`.`ntm_code_id`, `NtbType`.`position`, (CONCAT(`NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, '.0. ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__headingName`, (CONCAT(IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, 'Category ', ''), `NtbType`.`heading_number`, IF(`NtbType`.`parent_id` is null, ': ', '. '), `NtbType`.`name`)) AS `NtbType__fullName` FROM `ntb_types` AS `NtbType` WHERE `NtbType`.`allow` = 1 ORDER BY `NtbType`.`position` ASC | | 77 | 77 | 0 | |
SELECT `Status`.`id`, `Status`.`name` FROM `statuses` AS `Status` WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `Status`.`order` ASC | | 7 | 7 | 0 | |